If you're unsure about how the options work, simply click on the button, and you'll be redirected to a page with detailed explanations.
There, you'll find comprehensive information about each option and more to help you better understand how they work and make informed decisions.


The Turbo Boost is the most cost-effective choice, as the main option utilizes the Redirect functionality to seamlessly promote your server. This ensures a higher visibility and increased player engagement.

Extra MasterServer (after TOP servers) provides an additional layer of exposure, making sure your server stands out in the competitive landscape.

By opting for the Turbo Boost, you get access to premium features that are designed to enhance your server's performance and attract more players.


We offer two options for the MasterServer Servers List that will appear on the game client when an player is clicking Find Servers on the Game Menu.

TOP 10
Your server will be prominently displayed among the top 10 servers, granting it high visibility and exposure.

Extra Website first 10 places, Turbo and Favorite List.

Your server will be prominently displayed after the top 10 servers, granting it visibility and exposure.


The auctions system is the ultimate choice for those seeking maximum promotion for their server.

This offers an array of benefits, including securing the first place on our website, inclusion in the Favorite List, top 5 position on the MasterServer, and the powerful Turbo Redirect x5 feature.

Extra GameMenu, refers to the in-game menu interface accessible to players while playing.

With the auctions system, you can ensure unparalleled visibility and exposure for your server.

GameTracker Servers List

Add your server to our website for free and get voted to attract more players. The more votes your server receives, the higher its rank will grow, making it more visible to potential players. Join our community and watch your player base expand!